“My mind was another galaxy in the universe, and my imagination was my blazing sun.”
Brandon Steven Thulon 1988 - 2007
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About the Logo and "GOBA" Logo:"GOBA" was a word Brandon made up. He thought that he had heard one of his characters in The Sims* say "GOBA." He began to use this word - a nonsense four-letter word he used in countless contexts. As a type of nod to understanding Brandon and his uniqueness, friends in and surrounding his social circle adopted and began to use the word. Brandon would use "GOBA" when things did not make sense, or when he was exasperated, or when he was in awe, or amazed. We tried to incorporate the word "GOBA" into the logo design and eventually made an acronym for the word to help symbolize the essence and uniqueness of Brandon Steven Thulon, a true original.
GOBA:The letter "G" is for “gift”.When we share ourselves and our capacities with those in our circles of influence – our families, our communities, our nation, and our world – it is a choice we make.That choice enables the giving of ourselves:a gift.The letter “O” is for “of” – a small and important word. The word “of” indicates that something comes from something else, which leads us to the letter “B” – for “being”.The word “being” here indicates both presence and substance – and substance by reason of choice.We make choices based upon our awareness of both our presence (self) and our surroundings.We make choices relative to our sense of context and what we believe we can or must do.Indeed, at some rational, instinctual, or intuitive level, we always act upon what we truly believe.The final letter is “A” for “authenticity”.The word “authenticity” implies we have the ability to choose to be self-servingly devious, deceptive and disingenuously difficult.When we are authentic, we are genuine and true to ourselves – knowing our own purpose and value in uniqueness.
* video game for creating virtual living spaces and virtual people to inhabit those spaces
THE BRANDON THULON MEMORIAL FUND (an Illinois registered not-for-profit organization) - 2010-2016